Workplace Solutions

Your Human Resources Partner

Pinnacle HR has been representing and assisting employers with the provision of practical solutions to workplace issues for over 25 years.

Pinnacle HR

One of the keys to our success has been our professionalism and the expertise of our consultants.

Our role is to work with employers, identifying key issues that need to be addressed, examining the practices that relate to these issues; make recommendations; and assist employers with the implementation of those recommendations.

Our aim is to work in partnership with employers to enhance organisational effectiveness through improved workplace practices.


Additional services are available to members for an annual membership fee.

These include our Telephone Support Service, details of latest Awards and Wage Schedules, Industry Representation as applicable – and discounted Training, Publications, and Consultancy.

Current Scheduled Training


We offer a comprehensive range of services that complement and enhance existing HR practices within an organisation.

Specific expertise in the complex areas of Industrial Relations, WH&S, and Injury Management (Return to Work).
Plus Outsourcing solutions for smaller organisations, Membership Services, Subscription Service, and On site Training.

Human Resources

Human Resources

Our Consultants will work directly with an employer or management team to identify, review, evaluate and implement major changes in the workplace.

We can assist with:

Conflict Resolution & Mediation
Human Resource Operational Support
Learning & Development
Executive Recruitment & Positions Available
Executive Salary Reviews
HR Management
HR Products

Strategic Business Consulting

Strategic Business Consulting

Our consultants work with employers to increase an organisation’s effectiveness, efficiency, and ability to achieve its strategic goals.

Objective assistance with:

Strategic Planning
Business Planning
Workforce Planning & Development
Change Management
Management Coaching and Mentoring

Work Health & Safety

Work Health & Safety

Our risk management consultants work with employers to manage their responsibilities in relation to controlling risks within their organisation.

Return to Work

Return to Work

We provide information and support regarding South Australian workplace rights and rules, including awards and national employment standards.



Our scheduled and on-site training provides the up to date knowledge required to maintain good work practices and meet legislative requirements.
