26 Oct State Wage Decision
State Wage Decision (Oct 2010)
The 2010 State Wage Case Decision covering increases to the State Minimum Wage and all State Awards was handed down by the Full Commission of the South Australian Industrial Relations Commission (SAIRC) on 16 September 2010.
* This decision affects State Awards and those employers and employees to which those Awards apply.
The 2010 State Wage Case Decision covering increases to the State Minimum Wage and all State Awards was
handed down by the Full Commission of the South Australian Industrial Relations Commission (SAIRC) on 16
September 2010.
This decision covers increases to the State Minimum Wage and all State Awards. The Decision has granted an
increase of 3.5% to the State Minimum Wage (taking it to $580.30 per week) and 3.5% increase to all adult
Award wage rates. This increase will apply from the first full pay period on or after 1st October 2010.
A copy of the State Wage Decision can be accessed at http://www.industrailcourt.sa.gov.au/
PDF Document click here