Important Information for Non-Constitutional Corporations

Important Information for Non-Constitutional Corporations

Important Information for Non-Constitutional Corporations (Nov 2010)

Important information for all Non-Constitutional Corporations Employers relating to significant changes relating to the Division 2B State Awards.


Non-Constitutional Corporation employers in South Australia who were previously covered by the State Industrial Relations system

are, as of 1 January 2010, covered under the National System as a result of the referral of state industrial powers to the


Since 1 January 2010, Non-Constitutional Corporations have been covered by instruments known as Division 2B State Awards,

which reflected the same terms of the State Awards applying at 31 December 2009.

However, from 31 December 2010, the Division 2B awards will cease and Non-Constitutional Employers will now be covered by

the Federal Modern Awards.

As a result of the cessation of the Division 2B Awards, Non-Constitutional Corporation Employers will be undergoing significant

changes as their employees are transferred from the old State Awards to the Federal Modern Awards.

To assist Non-Constitutional Employers with the implementation of Federal Modern Awards, CEA HR & Consulting will be

convening three seminars (please see attached information for times and dates).

Non-Constitutional Corporations – Application of Federal Modern Awards Seminar

(9:30am – 1230pm with light lunch provided)

CEA HR & Consulting is convening a series of seminars on the implications of Modern Awards and the National Employment

Standards for Non-Constitutional Corporations. The seminars will:

• provide a detailed analysis of the Fair Work Act, Federal Modern Awards and National Employment Standards

and discuss:

– What the changes are

– What tasks are required by employers

– Detailed explanation of Award content and NES

– How to apply Transitional Arrangements

– What the changes will mean for your organisation

– When Individual Flexibility Agreements can be used

All participants will receive an up-to-date seminar workbook that will provide detailed information covered in the seminar.

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