OHSW Regulations 2010

OHSW Regulations 2010

Occupational Health Safety and Welfare Regulations 2010 (Nov 2010)

* Changes to the South Australian OHSW Regulations came into operation on 1 September 2010

The Occupation Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1995 (the OHSW Regulations) expired on 1 September

2010. As such the OHSW Regulations have been replaced by a new set of regulations titled the Occupation

Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 2010 (the OHSW Regulations 2010).

The OHSW Regulations 2010 formally came into operation on 1 September 2010 and contain the same content

as the previous regulations with the exception of the following:

 References to other Acts, Regulations, Codes of Practice, Australian Standards, as well as

other referenced documents and the names of organisations have been updated to reflect the

correct and also current citations;

 The existing Part 6, Division 6.4 regulation on Competency Requirements and Registration of

Assessors has been amended with a new regulation to allow adoption of the new Nation

Standard on Licensing of High Risk Work. That regulation is known as High risk work licences,

competency requirements and registration of assessors at Part 7, Division 4; and

 The regulations have been renumbered so that numbering is sequential. The Part and Division

headings from the OHSW Regulations have been retained.

Employers should ensure that they are acquainted with the OHSW Regulations 2010. In addition, all

documentation and reference material that contains reference to the previous OHSW Regulations 1995 should

be reviewed in order to determine if changes need to be implemented to reference the OHSW Regulations 2010.

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