28 Oct Amalgamations in the Community Sector – How we can help!
As a result of the changing financial environment numerous Community Sector organisations are giving consideration to amalgamations.
An amalgamation is a mutual decision by two entities to combine and become one entity. It is a decision made by two equals for the benefit of both organisations and their stakeholders. An amalgamation is an opportunity to create more efficient governance, management and administrative processes.
Pinnacle HR has been approached by a number of organisations to assist with amalgamations.
Pinnacle HR is able to assist Community Sector organisations with the amalgamation process, with practical support and assistance when considering, planning and executing amalgamations.
In particular Pinnacle HR can assist with:
• Key considerations for the amalgamation process including governance arrangements,
• Conducting Due Diligence
• Financial and Legal Considerations,
• Planning and Communication,
• Execution and Evaluation,
• Advising on the transition of employees to the new entity.
Pinnacle HR Amalgamation Group
Pinnacle HR has established an Amalgamation Group consisting of consultants who have extensive experience with amalgamations in the Community Sector.
The Amalgamation Group includes:
Ted Davis, Executive Director,
Aileen Robertson, External Principal Consultant,
Legal Support provided by HWL Ebsworth Lawyers.
If you are considering an amalgamation, please contact Ted Davis, Executive Director, on 8232 2820 for a free, no obligation, confidential discussion or meeting.
Ted Davis
Executive Director