Author: joeladmin

Equal Remuneration Case Order - Important Update To assist employers with the Transitioning rates of pay, the schedules for the Social and Community and Crisis Accommodation Employees have been posted on the Pinnacle HR website in the members only section. SOCIAL, COMMUNITY, HOME CARE AND DISABILITY SERVICES...

Equal Remuneratiion Case  - Order Important Update Pinnacle HR has recently had a number of consultations with the Federal Fair Work Ombudsman's Office regarding the clarification of Transitional Wage Rates and Equal Remuneration Order Calculations. SOCIAL, COMMUNITY, HOME CARE AND DISABILITY SERVICES INDUSTRY AWARD 2010 CEA ALERT IMPORTANT UPDATE Number:...

Equal Remuneration Case - Order A full bench of Fair Work Australia (FWA) handed down the Social, Community & Disability Services Industry Equal Remuneration Order 2012 on 22 June 2012. SOCIAL, COMMUNITY, HOME CARE AND DISABILITY SERVICES INDUSTRY AWARD 2010 CEA ALERT Number: 4 Date: June 2012 Equal Remuneration Case –...

Annual Wage Review On Friday 1 june 2012 Fair Work Australia's Mimimum Wage Panel handed down its Annual Wage Review decision under the Fair Work Act 2009. DATE: 1 June 2012 SUBJECT: Annual Wage Review 2011 – 2012 Decision We write to advise that on Friday, 1 June...

Effective Calculation of Your Claims Costs to Manage Your Premium Pinnacle HR is able to assist with estimating your claims cost to ensure that you are ready to manage the new premium payments applicable from 1 July 2012. EFFECTIVE CALCULATION OF YOUR CLAIMS COSTS TO MANAGE YOUR...

On Site Training In order to mitigate liability in unfair dismissal claims it is imperative the correct procedures are followed in relation to managing poor performance that could result in termination. Pinnacle HR is conducting ON SITE training for managers and supervisors to provide them with the...

On Site Training Bullying and Harassment is becoming an increasing problem within the work place. Pinnacle HR is conducting ON SITE training to ensure all employees are made aware of their responsibilities. BULLYING, HARASSMENT & DISCRIMINATION TRAINING ON SITE TRAINING CEA HR & Consulting are conducting on site...