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The Federal Government has announced that it will introduce a four year freeze on increases to the super guarantee from 1 July 2014. The 2014-2015 Budget released by the government on 13 May 2014 states that the Abbott government will continue to increase the superannuation guarantee...

Pinnacle HR is currently conducting WHS Audits to help ensure our members’ systems are robust and compliant with current legislation. The WHS Act 2012 was effective from 1 January 2013 Five Key Questions for Employers Are you aware of how the Act applies to your organisation? Are your WHS...

Leading Age Services Australia - SA Inc (LASA) - SA Inc are conducting training sessionsthat will count towards the continuing professional development required for Nurses under the National Registration and Accreditation System For a list of training sessions and dates please click here...

New Workplace Anti-Bullying Laws – What’s Happening? The Federal Fair Work Commission's new anti-bullying laws commenced as of 1 January 2014 As from 1 January 2014, a worker who reasonably believes that they have been bullied at work may apply to the Commission for an order to...

Your super obligations are changing from 1 July 2013. The compulsory super guarantee rate will be gradually increased from 9% to 12% over 7 years. SUPERANNUATION – INCREASING THE SUPERANNUATION GUARANTEE RATE TO 12 PER CENT Your super obligations are changing from 1 July 2013. The compulsory...

The Fair Work Commission's Minimum Wage Panel has handed down it's Annual Wage Review decision of 2.6%. DATE: 4 June 2013 SUBJECT: Annual Wage Review 2012 – 2013 Decision We write to advise that on Monday 3 June 2013, the Fair Work Commission's Minimum Wage Panel handed...

Details of the Aged Care Workforce Compact ('the compact') has been announced. The Federal Government will provide funding to increase wages, conditions and career structures through a 'Workplace Supplement'. SUBJECT: Aged Care Compact The Minister for Ageing Care Mark Butler on 6 March 2013 announced details of...

Since 1 January 2013 eligible fathers and partners (including same sex partners) have been entitled to 'dad and partner pay' from the Federal Government. KEY POINTS Since 1 January 2013, eligible fathers and partners (including same sex partners) have been entitled to 'dad...