Counselling, Discipline & Termination Handbook

An essential guide for all organisations

It is fundamental to the successful running of an organisation that a current and up-to-date set of human resource policies and procedures is established and implemented.

It is imperative that these human resource policies and procedures are suitable to the individual requirements of an organisation, are easy to put into action and encompass the full range of activities undertaken in the course of the organisation’s business.

Failure to comply with the new government industrial relations initiatives (e.g. the Fair Work Act, the Modern Federal Awards and the National Employment Standards) can expose organisations to a variety of legal challenges, thus the time is right to ensure that your organisation is applying Policies and Procedures that are current and lawful.

The PINNACLE HR Counselling, Discipline and Termination Handbook © presents organisations with the relevant materials needed for discipline, harassment and discrimination, procedural remedies and small business fair dismissal code.

The Counselling, Discipline and Termination Handbook© has been competently developed to meet the requirements of both State and Federal legislation. Complete with explanatory notes that outline how and when the documents should be used, the Counselling, Discipline and Termination Handbook© is ready to be customised to meet your organisations individual needs.

PINNACLE HR is giving employers the opportunity to purchase our Counselling, Discipline and Termination Handbook, containing all modern and necessary policies and procedures – and comes professionally presented in an A4 folder complete with a Word ‘.doc’ format CD-ROM containing easily modified versions of all policies and procedures purchased.

Counselling, Discipline & Termination Handbook Content

  • Discipline
  • Harassment & Discrimination
  • Procedural Remedies
  • Small Business Fair Dismissal Code
  • Policy and Document Templates:
    (16 policy, guideline, checklist, letter and record of action templates)

Cost including GST:

Full price $209

Pinnacle HR Members Price $165

Handbook Order Form

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