19 Aug Major reform changes start 26 August 2024
Posted at 11:41h
in News
Relating to the Australian Government’s Closing Loopholes reform agenda...
Relating to the Australian Government’s Closing Loopholes reform agenda...
Details of changes applicable for the new financial year...
'Tis the Season for holiday closures and annual leave. Reminder of the changes to Awards on temporary shutdowns and annual leave...
The FWC's Review of Minimum Award Wages...
The Fair Work Commission has ruled that the national minimum wage will increase by...
From 1 May 2023, many awards will have updated rules on taking annual leave during a shutdown....
IMPORTANT INFORMATION - FWC decided regarding pay increase...
Increases to Award rates of pay that had a delayed effective date...
The FWC's decision on wage increases...
New rates from 1 July or 1 October 2022...