
Scheduled Training

Pinnacle HR provides scheduled training across the following areas:

  • Human Resources
  • Workplace Relations
  • Work Health & Safety
  • Injury Management – Return to Work

Scheduled Training

These courses are designed to provide up to date knowledge that is required to develop and maintain good work practices which meet current legislative requirements. Courses include:

  • Return to Work, Injury & Claims Management
  • Work Health & Safety – PCBU, Officer & Worker Responsibilities
  • Work Health & Safety Committee Training
  • Work Health & Safety Act 2012 for Boards, Officers & Workers
  • Effective Work Health & Safety
  • Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment in the Workplace
  • Workplace Bullying Harassment and Discrimination
  • Managing Poor Performance and Unfair Dismissal
  • Managing Unsatifactory Employee Performance
  • Conflict Resolution Workshop
  • Incident Investigation Training
  • Customer Service
  • Team Building Workshop

Current Scheduled Training


Adelaide Location: 33 Hutt Street, Adelaide (Level 1) – unless advised otherwise

Enquiries: 8232 2820 or

Register: Complete the online booking form – using the page links provided below

Next training sessions

Training Calendar to be advised….

On-site Training

Pinnacle HR provides the following on-site training to Employers:
Work Health & Safety Committee Training

WHS Legislation requires that all safety committee members must receive training in order to understand their roles and responsibilities and be able to function effectively. For more information please click here.

Conflict Resolution Training

It is recommended that all employees in your organisation have a sound understanding of how to manage conflict and how to enhance appropriate communication in the workplace and how it impedes on organisational effectiveness and business performance. This training can be customised to address any issues that are specific to your workplace. For more information please click here.

Incident Investigation Training

Implementing good processes to conduct accident and incident investigations in your workplace is an essential part of your workplace safety. Anyone who has a responsibility for undertaking incident investigation in the workplace should attend this training. For more information please click here.

Team Building Workshop

Pinnacle HR has recognised that in order for an organisation to operate at an optimum level it is important that employees are encouraged to work as a team. This session will provide the opportunity for participants to focus on the benefits of working within a team environment. Sessions can be customised to suit your organisation. For more information please click here.

Duty of Care and Negligence

Residential and Community Care Organisations are becoming increasingly exposed to consumer complaints and risk of litigation, often as a consequence of employee actions in the workplace.

It is imperative that management representatives develop a clear understanding of negligence and its implications in the residential and community care setting when managing employees in these sectors.
For more information please click here.

Social Media Awareness for Employees

Social Media has had a significant impact on how information is communicated and its usage in the workplace has had a significant impact on businesses and employee relations.

It is essential that all employees receive training on appropriate social media usage.
For more information please click here.

Managing Poor Performance & Unfair Dismissal Training

It is recommended that all managers, supervisors and team leaders attend this training to gain sound understanding of how to manage poor performance and conduct disciplinary investigations to mitigate incurring heavy penalties from Fair Work Commission as a result of a claim for unfair dismissal being upheld. For more information please click here.

Managing Unsatifactory Employee Performance

This workshop is designed for managers, supervisors and team leaders to assist them in identifying and how to deal with employee’s poor performance and challenging behaviour. They will gain an understanding of how to conduct performance interviews and investigations. For more information please click here.

Anti-Bullying and Harassment Training

The Draft Preventing and Responding to Workplace Bullying Code of Practice requires that all staff be trained in Anti-Bullying and Harassment. The Employer must ensure that the work place is free from any form of Bullying and Harassment. Failure to do so may result in employees lodging a claim with the Fair Work Commission. For more information please click here.

Preventing & Responding to Workplace Bullying

As of 1 January 2014 employees who are being bullied at work are able to apply to the Fair Work Commission for an order to stop the bullying. The Employer is responsible for ensuring that the workplace is free of any form of bullying. All Managers, Supervisors and Team Leaders should be trained in how to recognise and deal with these issues. For more information please click here.

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment & Control Training

Implementing good processes to identify hazards and control risks in your workplace is an essential part of your WHS Risk Management System. Pinnacle HR is conducting on- site training for anyone who has a responsibility for undertaking safety inspections and hazard identification. For more information please click here .

Mental Health in the Workplace

Mental Health awareness in the workplace has been steadily on the rise over the past decade. Each manager, supervisor and/or team leader should understand their legal and ethical responsibilities when dealing with a mental health issue and their obligations under WHS legislation.
For more information please click here.

On-site Training